Tuesday 19 April 2011

�GET A FREE facebook T-SHIRT� � New Facebook Scam!

Guys If you come across any Post on facebook that says �GET A FREE facebook T-SHIRT�, please Ignore it. This is not a likejacking type of SPAM, but the Pure and Simple social engineering example to Capture user data. The Scammers have created a n external web page, whose look and feel closely matches with facebook�s user interface.

Though looking at that page you can easily make out that its a scam, Still Some people will get tempted and will Register their email and home address there.

Lets see how these scammers are cheating you in the name of �free Facebook T-shirt�. First they are asking you to complete some Steps to be able to receive your T-shirt.
As you can see above they are first asking you to Share their Page on your wall, so that your friends can also register for the same. In the Next step, you will be asked to join their group, so that they can repeatedly spam you Facebook Inbox with their offers.

Next they will ask you to Like your Country .. and as you can see large no. of Indians have already tried this �Unbelievable!!!

And then Finally They will ask you to Register For their Free T-shirt. This is what the main aim of scammers is. They just collected your Personal details and Now they can use it to register any website or Spam your email account with their Scam offers. Lets be aware of it and Do share this Information on Facebook to warn your friends too.

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