Tuesday 23 October 2012

Cracking C-Panel Passwords

Cpanel is a Unix based web hosting control panel that provides a graphical interface and automation tools designed to simplify the process of hosting a web site. CPanel utilizes a 3 tier structure that provides capabilities for administrators, resellers, and end-user website owners to control the various aspects of website and server administration through a standard web browser.

So,we need  a cpanel cracking shell on that server to crack the passwords of the websites that are hosted on that server!!

Step 1

First we have to upload

cp.php cpanel cracking shell on that server to start our journey...!!

Step 2
Second thing we need, is the mother of this method!! Yes...we need Usernames of the websites and a Extremely capable password dictionary to crack!!

Now lets start...

Grab all the usernames of websites hosted on the website with the help these commands

1- "ls /var/mail"
2- "/etc/passwd"

Now you will see all the usersnames of the websites and the password list you have provided! Just press the "Go" button and just wait and watch your success!

If you have supplied strong enough password list then you will the a good response from the server ;) like this "Cracking success with username "ABC" with password "XYZ"

it will show you negative response like this "Please put some good passwords to crack username "ABC" :( "

Posted By: Anshuman kak A Script Kiddie from India

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