Monday 12 November 2012

What is VOIP and How it helps in Caller ID Spoofing Attack?Detail

What is VOIP?

 Voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a protocol optimized for the transmission of
Voice Through the Internet or other packet-switched networks . VoIP systems employ Session control protocols to control the set-up and tear-down of calls as well As audio codecs which encode speech allowing transmission over an IP network as Digital audio via an audio stream. Codec use is varied between different Implementations of VoIP (and often a range of codecs are used); some Implementations rely on narrow band and compressed speech, while others support High fidelity stereo codecs.

How VOIP works?

VoIP Converts the voice signal from your telephone into a digital signal that can Travel
Over The Internet. If you are calling a regular telephone number, the signal is then
Converted Back at the other end. Depending on the type of VoIP service, you can make a VoIP Call from a computer, a special VoIP phone, or a traditional phone. Wireless "Hot
Spots" In public locations such as airports, parks, and cafes allow you to connect to The
Internet, And may enable you to use VoIP service wirelessly. If your VoIP service
Provider Assigns you a regular telephone number, then you can receive calls from regular Telephones that don't need special equipment.

Advantages of Using VoIP

90% Cost Saving (cheap call rates)
Great voice quality
3 ways Call forwarding
Caller ID spoofing
Unlimited calling
Web calling
Free phone call services
Free Call Forwarding

Top Voip Companies:

Free Calling sites:

Unlimited Calling Sites:

Call-ID Spoofing Attack

Caller ID Spoofing is the practice of causing the Telephone network to display a number
On The recipient's caller ID display which is not that of the actual originating Station; the
Term Is commonly used to describe situations in which the motivation is considered
Nefarious By the speaker. Just as e-mail spoofing can make it appear that a message came From any e-mail address the sender chooses, caller ID spoofing can make a call Appear to have come from any phone number the caller wishes.
The The above method is a bit complex; many Caller ID spoofing service providers also Allow
Customers to initiate spoofed calls from a web-based interface. Some providers allow
Entering The name to display along with the spoofed Caller ID number, but in most parts
Of The United States for example, whatever name the local phone company has associated with the spoofed Caller ID number is the name that shows up on the Caller ID display. Using a web-based spoofing service involves creating an An account with a provider, logging in to their website and completing a form. Most companies require the following basic fields:
1. Source number
2. Destination number
3. Caller ID number
When The user completes this form and clicks a button to initiate the call, the Source
Number Is first called. When the source number line is registered, the destination is Then
Called And bridged together.


Show any number on victim mobile number
Record Outgoing Calls
Listen to your calls online
Include recordings in the email
Download your recordings

Caller ID Spoofing sites:

Caller ID Spoofing Attack:

SignUp With and purchase 60 minutes, after login with PIN number.

This A screen will appear. After that we put all details like our number, number two Call and
Show Caller id and click to place a call. Then call to access number of
From your number....

Posted By: Anshuman Kak


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