2: Cross Site Scripting(XSS)

It is one of the most common application-layer web attacks. XSS commonly targets scripts embedded in a page which are executed on the client-side (in the user�s web browser) rather than on the server-side. XSS in itself is a threat which is brought about by the internet security weaknesses of client-side scripting languages, with HTML and JavaScript (the others being VBScript, ActiveX, HTML, or Flash) as the prime culprits for this exploit. The concept of XSS is to manipulate client-side scripts of a web application to execute in the manner desired by the malicious user. Such a manipulation can embed a script in a page which can be executed every time the page is loaded, or whenever an associated event is performed.

How Cross Site Scripting Works

Items that are affected:

  • /complaints01.asp 
  • /feedback01.asp 
  • /landlord01.asp 
  • /suppliers01.asp

I am taking http://www.dmartindia.com/feedback.html vulnerability as shown below:

Additional Vulnerability is that http://www.dmartindia.com/ is not having any backup.. So sad
 News.That is the reason why most of the Indian websites get hacked due to this poor vulnerabilities.